Celebrating 60 Years of Education at OLPS
In 1962 OLPS was a small school nestled in the bushland of West Pymble, the church had been open for 2 years when the school was built. Sister Mary Antoinette, a sister of Mercy was the Principal and sole teacher of the first Kindergarten class of 32 students.
Today in 2022, OLPS is celebrating 60 years of education in West Pymble and is now a thriving K-6 school.
On the 17th September our P&F hosted a cocktail party to celebrate, and one of our founding Kindergarten students, Dean Rowley attended. He started kindy a year early to assist with numbers to open the school.
It was a great night, parents of past students and current students all came together to catch up and enjoy the community spirit that is so special and unique to OLPS.
60th Anniversary Principal’s Address – well worth a read!